Little Miss

Aubrielle Rose was born on January 18th, 2011 at 8:19PM. She weighed 6lbs 10ozs and was 19.5 inches long at birth. Beloved daughter of two very estatic parents, Jennifer & Joseph!

La famiglia prima di tutto!

First Word, First Tooth!

While sitting at your daddy's softball game on 8/2/11 chatting up a storm, you finally said "da-da, da-da" and to make this story even better... his next at bat, hit a home-run, just for you baby girl! Technically, a couple months ago mommy was feeding you and kept saying "yummy, yummieeee". I was heading back to the kitchen once you were all done eating and both Mommy and Daddy heard you said "yummy" too! tehehe! I know it happened, but we can give this one to da-da ;)

Yesterday your first tooth broke through (8/9/11) Hoorayy, so big! No wonderrrr you have been a little fussy lady lately and chomping on everything! But overall you have been dealing with teething pretty well!

I love watching you grow! You are so smart and"SO BIG"
I love you so much mama!