Little Miss

Aubrielle Rose was born on January 18th, 2011 at 8:19PM. She weighed 6lbs 10ozs and was 19.5 inches long at birth. Beloved daughter of two very estatic parents, Jennifer & Joseph!

La famiglia prima di tutto!

Bye Bye Bare Feet

I can't believe that my little baby girl is already 8+ months old. She's now crawling! And cruising! And teething! Oh my!!! She now has her two bottom teeth and some more on the way. Watch out because she does bite hehe :) Aubrielle has also started pulling herself up and has even begun taking steps already.
Just recently we went out and bought her a fresh pair of Pumas ;) She loves them!

 Things are going so great with our little miss, she's the best baby EVER! We started giving her stage 3 foods and are working on real foods along with switching over to milk from formula. It's so exciting and such a blessing to watch her grow each and every day... she is one smart cookie! She finally has her very own room and bathroom (lucky lady). Her beautiful room is filled with lots of toys that go along with her Whinnie The Pooh theme. She loves splish splashin' in the tub with her bath toys! She's even started to wave hi & bye, clap her hands together "horray" and says mama and dada way too often! We sing together, laugh together and play together as much as possible.
 I absolutely love and cherish every single moment we get to spend together.