Little Miss

Aubrielle Rose was born on January 18th, 2011 at 8:19PM. She weighed 6lbs 10ozs and was 19.5 inches long at birth. Beloved daughter of two very estatic parents, Jennifer & Joseph!

La famiglia prima di tutto!

Happy 10 Months Young!

My how you are growing so big and so fast! I am so proud of you mama :) You are one smart cookie ..and quite beautiful if I might add! Crawling all over, waving "hi' & "bye", talking, dancing, clapping hands, feeding yourself (and sharing with mommy, too) ..along with many other developments you've already mastered! I can't believe my baby isn't much of a baby anymore :( I love spending time with you and watching you grow! You are my sunsine.. my lil buddy and favorite person in this entire world!
 Here's a picture of you on the swing at the park: 
You are my world!!! It's been a very happy 10 months!

And here's when we went to the farm...
  I used these pictures for our Thanksgiving cards too!