Little Miss

Aubrielle Rose was born on January 18th, 2011 at 8:19PM. She weighed 6lbs 10ozs and was 19.5 inches long at birth. Beloved daughter of two very estatic parents, Jennifer & Joseph!

La famiglia prima di tutto!

Happy 10 Months Young!

My how you are growing so big and so fast! I am so proud of you mama :) You are one smart cookie ..and quite beautiful if I might add! Crawling all over, waving "hi' & "bye", talking, dancing, clapping hands, feeding yourself (and sharing with mommy, too) ..along with many other developments you've already mastered! I can't believe my baby isn't much of a baby anymore :( I love spending time with you and watching you grow! You are my sunsine.. my lil buddy and favorite person in this entire world!
 Here's a picture of you on the swing at the park: 
You are my world!!! It's been a very happy 10 months!

And here's when we went to the farm...
  I used these pictures for our Thanksgiving cards too!

Bye Bye Bare Feet

I can't believe that my little baby girl is already 8+ months old. She's now crawling! And cruising! And teething! Oh my!!! She now has her two bottom teeth and some more on the way. Watch out because she does bite hehe :) Aubrielle has also started pulling herself up and has even begun taking steps already.
Just recently we went out and bought her a fresh pair of Pumas ;) She loves them!

 Things are going so great with our little miss, she's the best baby EVER! We started giving her stage 3 foods and are working on real foods along with switching over to milk from formula. It's so exciting and such a blessing to watch her grow each and every day... she is one smart cookie! She finally has her very own room and bathroom (lucky lady). Her beautiful room is filled with lots of toys that go along with her Whinnie The Pooh theme. She loves splish splashin' in the tub with her bath toys! She's even started to wave hi & bye, clap her hands together "horray" and says mama and dada way too often! We sing together, laugh together and play together as much as possible.
 I absolutely love and cherish every single moment we get to spend together.

First Word, First Tooth!

While sitting at your daddy's softball game on 8/2/11 chatting up a storm, you finally said "da-da, da-da" and to make this story even better... his next at bat, hit a home-run, just for you baby girl! Technically, a couple months ago mommy was feeding you and kept saying "yummy, yummieeee". I was heading back to the kitchen once you were all done eating and both Mommy and Daddy heard you said "yummy" too! tehehe! I know it happened, but we can give this one to da-da ;)

Yesterday your first tooth broke through (8/9/11) Hoorayy, so big! No wonderrrr you have been a little fussy lady lately and chomping on everything! But overall you have been dealing with teething pretty well!

I love watching you grow! You are so smart and"SO BIG"
I love you so much mama!

Happy, Healthy 6 Months

Happy 6 Months Young, Baby Girl!
My Little Miss,

It feels like just yesterday when I was holding you in my arms for the very first time. Oh my how time flies! But you've grown so much in this short period of time, it absolutely amazes me! You've developed your own personality and attitude... just like mommys. You have the brightest, most beautiful smile I have ever seen! I cannot begin to tell you how much your smile and happiness makes me feel. An infinite amount of joy fills my heart seeing how happy you are. Each and every day, you are who I live for!  

I love you so much boo bear!
I've started spoiling you (that's a lie, you've been spoiled since day 1), letting you taste and chew on some of mommys food. Just yesterday, you had some of mommys potato (mashed for you, of course). You really are an excellent eater! Before we know it, you'll be picking up your own fork and spoon. But let's not rush it! I enjoy giving you your bottles and feeding you baby food from the spoon. You're still on the same formula since day 1, Gerber Good Start. And it is working great for you. Now you are taking up to 8ozs at a time! So big! In the morning, you get oatmeal and a baba, for lunch baby food and a small baba, dinner, and then your night time baba with cereal. You are on a great schedule that seems to be working pretty well! You were 6lbs 10oz at birth and are now 16lbs! Whoa mama!

Go baby, go baby!
One of your favorite activities, is playing in your jumpie-roo (is what we call it). Grabbing and playing with all the toys and gadgets. This keeps you pretty occupied and active.  You love watching Baby First TV! I even downloaded the app on my Iphone for you :) You have great control over your hands, you love playing with mommys necklace and taking towels, my phone, toys, etc out of my hand! You've started grabbing your bottles and holding them,
so I'm sure you'll be feeding yourself in no time!
My buddy, wherever I go, she goes ; )
Every morning, I rub your back gently and whisper "good morning sun, it's a good morning love". You smush your face into your blankie, slowly opening your eyes with a smile! You know it's going to be another great day! Monday thru Friday, off to gmas we go because mommy has to work. She takes great care of you and sometimes I believe she loves you more than her own children! But I guess that's what grandmas and grandpas are all about!

Awe Ceepy Baby!
You hardly seem to be taking naps anymore! You have your occasional cat nap which last about 10 minutes, then you're ready to play again! You are such a good night night sleeper, bed time is usually around 10pm. We bring you up to bed, let your head rest on your pillow and fast asleep you go! You like holding your blankie and bobo. Once you are asleep, in your bed you go :) You have been sleeping through the night since you were 2 months old, which was just in time for mommy to go back to work. It's a blessing to get a full night sleep, so thank you for that!

Well baby girl, it's been a great 6 months, better than I ever could've expected or asked for! I'm looking forward to planning and celebrating your first Birthday, hearing those very first words and watching you take those first steps! Before I know it, you'll be walking, talking and not so much a baby. I plan on holding onto and cherishing these days where you're more dependent on me than not.

I loves being your momma ; )
I promise you that I will always stand by your side and be the best mommy ever! 
I love you mama!

Just for you, baby girl!

Hugs & Kisses

A handful of happiness, a heart full of love
Precious and priceless, so lovable too!
The world's sweetest miracle baby girl, is you!

Welcome to the family, Diva #10

You are the poem I dreamed of writing. The masterpiece I longed to paint.
You are the shining star I reached for in my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled.
You are my child. Now with all things, I am Blessed!

Great Granddaughter,
You have blessed my life with love of a very special kind,
affection, warmth and tenderness, delight and pride combined.
In every day, in every way, my love for you will never die.
Forever in our hearts! Joseph E Bartone bka "pop-pop"

Bestest Buddies Foreva-eva'
I cannot promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain,
but I can promise strenghth for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

A Mother's Love Lasts Forever!
May god give you, for every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile,
for every care a promiseand a blessing in each trial.
 For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share,
 for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer!

The love of a family is life's greatest blessing!
Parents can only give good advice and put their child on the right paths,
 but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.

Non lascerĂ² mai la famiglia mia!
Making the decision to have a child is momentous.
 It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.